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Die DUG Purist - Ab heute, 1. Dezember 2024 bestellbar.

The DUG Purist - Available to order from today, December 1st, 2024.

Watches from Glashütte have been a symbol of quality since 1845. We don't want this to remain a luxury for the few. We offer you a genuine Glashütte watch for a really good price.

To achieve this, we invest all our effort where it matters - in the watch: in materials and craftsmanship. We can keep the final price low because our customers can contact us directly, without any middlemen. This also gives you the opportunity to configure your Glashütte watch online, directly to your taste.

With us, you don't pay for wood-paneled, prime-location shops, big advertisements, or celebrities - you pay for your watch.

Take a look around our website and discover the quality from Glashütte. The Purist model can be ordered from today, December 1, 2024, and is only available in limited quantities.

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The DUG Purist - Available to order from today, December 1st, 2024.

Dec 1, 2024

Watches from Glashütte have been a symbol of quality since 1845. We don't want this to remain a luxury for the few. W...


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